“Let your life speak.”
-George Fox
75th Anniversary
Our weekly Sunday Worship begins at 10am
We are located at 4116 Bath Pike (Rte 512 N) Bethlehem, PA.
Masks are welcomed but not required in the Meetinghouse.
Childcare is available for children. Nursery care for children below school age. There are no Children’s Religous Ed. in the Summer,
To ask about help for transportation, please use the contact page.
To join the meeting by Zoom, please click the link below and follow the instructions in your browser (if prompted, say yes to using your computer's audio and video, and also to downloading Zoom software if you haven't already done so).
Join Sunday Zoom 10 am Worship
Meeting ID: 891 3173 6761
At the end of announcements there will be a short break and then there may be a program or potluck.
Meeting for Worship with attention to Business is held every 2nd Sunday at 12 pm on Zoom only.
How We Worship
Lehigh Valley Monthly Meeting is an unprogrammed Meeting. Without clergy, we gather in expectant waiting for that still small voice which resides in each human being. As Friends connect with and are moved by Spirit, they may share vocal ministry.
Who We Are
We are a welcoming and inclusive Quaker Meeting whose members come from diverse spiritual and religious backgrounds. In addition to our own social concern programs, LVMM supports connections with outside groups to address issues that are aligned with our Quaker beliefs and values.
All are welcome.
Lehigh Valley Friends meet for worship every Sunday at 10 AM
Our building is accessible to all with elevator, restrooms and hearing assistance.
Religious Education
Our Community and Education (spiritual development as well as Religious Ed. Program for children) are informed by Worship.
Friends meet for quiet worship together for 60 minutes each First Day (Sunday). Children are invited to leave the worship room after 20 minutes of quiet worship, to attend Religious Ed. or program.
Regular Events at LVMM
Meetings for Worship
Sundays at 10 AM
Query Discussion
First Sunday - following announcements after Meeting
Meeting for Worship for Business
Second Sunday at 12 PM
Potluck Gathering
Third Sunday - after announcements
Adult Religious Education
Fourth Sunday at 12 am
Frugal Feast
Fifth Sunday - after announcements
What is Quakerism?
Many Quakers will answer this question differently.
Learn more about Quakerism through this series of videos from Quakerspeak.

The Meeting House is available for limited use by community groups.
Please click here for our building use policy and request form.
“Love was the first motion.”
— John Woolman